Mathieu at the Sustainability Week of Euronext 💡 🌿

Mathieu at the Sustainability Week of Euronext 💡 🌿

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How can we value decarbonization efforts? 💡 🌿
Alongside Thierry Lacorre, Pierre PEDROSA, Elie Heriard Dubreuil, Emilie Da Silva and Frederic Le Meaux, our COO, Mathieu Joubrel, participated in a panel discussion on the subject during Sustainability Week by Euronext 🌱

👥 This diverse panel was able to share its knowledge on key points for investors and issuers like:
- Investor expectations in terms of strategy #climate listed companies, from SMEs to large companies;
- Tools for the valuation of extra-financial trajectories;
- Good practices for communicating with the market on the topics of #decarbonization;
- The role of extra-financial rating agencies and advisers in valuing these efforts;
- The structuring of resources to meet the demands of #investors and agencies on these topics.

A big thank you to all the speakers for their insight on these complex topics! ⚡

The replay
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